Xpower customer targeting
Xpower customer targeting is a secure cloud solution designed specifically to address the business challenges of pharmaceutical and life science companies. It is a global solution that fulfills your regional requirements.

Customer profiling made easy with Xpower
Solving almost any sales and marketing challenge starts with knowing who your customers are. Xpower customer targeting enables easy, accurate and secure profiling data collection. For all your customer targeting needs.
Xpower allows you to create customized versions of question flows for an insightful profile questionnaire to help you better understand your customer. Compared to other common questionnaires, Xpower lets you create decision trees with more than two levels. Using a sophisticated decision tree allows you to take advantage of the logical funnel approach. This helps the thinking process of the respondent and provides more accurate answers. You can create as many levels as you need as the tool puts no limits on your creativity.
In addition, the design helps your team to easily guide them through the questionnaire.
Powerful cloud profiling
Xpower profiling, a mobile data collection application, is part of Xpower customer targeting and allows your sales force to conduct multiple surveys in one go.
Through the web platform, questionnaires can be created with embedded rules and automatic quality checks to avoid errors and ensure data consistency. The web platform allows you to easily manage multiple surveys at the same time.
The mobile app is available for iOS and Android, works in multiple languages and enables you to add customers on the go.
Some of the mobile app feature include:
- Online and offline data collection
- Real time progress tracking and data quality checks
- Reporting of all quality exceptions
- Automatic uniform data compilation of different answer types
- GPS coordinates to capture addresses of profiled customers
- Built-in messaging system to communicate and discuss customer profiling related issues
- more features
Why is it so important to know who your customers are?
Customers are different in terms of potential, brand loyalty, behavior, influence, access and many more attributes. A profiling questionnaire helps to analyze the customer base in line with the brand strategy. An ineffective questionnaire can result in misinterpretations and guesswork. This can lead to sub-optimal segmentation and targeting results, which in turn can negatively impact your resource allocation decisions and market development strategy. Therefore, Xpower provides guidance based on strong design principles focusing on a few key attributes related to the pharmaceutical business that will pave your way towards excellence.
High quality profiling data is vital for effective customer segmentation and targeting, but quality often suffers due to poorly executed and monitored profiling efforts. The Xpower customer targeting platform helps you achieve high-quality customer data through automated logic tests and a comprehensive quality control dashboard.
The security of your data is our top priority.
Xpower is secure and safe for customer and internal data and is compliant with the Cloud Security Alliance and GDPR. Xcellen is ISO 27001 certified and implements a best-practice Information Security Management System.

Quickly identify quality issues and keep your profiling projects on track with Xpower
The Xpower customer targeting platform helps you to transform profiling data into valuable segmentation scenarios by checking data quality. The Xpower web platform allows you to create questionnaires with embedded rules and automatic quality checks to avoid error sources and ensure data consistency while collecting profiling data. The Xpower customer targeting platform provides a mobile app – Xpower profiling – to ensure high data quality right from the start.
Tell me more about the mobile app.
Xpower easily applies logic tests and rules to all your data and provides you with a robust data quality check dashboard. Intuitive charts enable you to quickly identify quality issues. By analyzing the real-time concentration and distribution of attributes, you can judge the quality of the data and spot anomalies already during the profiling phase. You can also simply upload your already existing profiling data and the dashboard will peform the quality checks and help you to get the best out of your existing data. No need for complex statistical knowledge or time-consuming analysis anymore.
Some of the powerful quality check dashboard feature include:
- Real-time monitoring and data quality checks
- Intuitive charts to quickly identify outliers and inconsistencies
- Analysis for different question and answer types
- Breakdown on different levels
- Intelligent features for corrective measures
- Reopen questionable results or send for validation
- more features
But that’s not all. We've got you covered with progress tracking.
In addition to data quality, Xpower customer targeting makes live progress tracking possible. The progress dashboard offers all the relevant analysis, such as completion rate, accuracy, log times and weekly comparisons. Track progress regularly and systematically with Xpower customer targeting and quickly react to any deviations.
Why is it so important to monitor data quality?
Profiling is of critical importance. It is the heart of customer targeting and what all further market development strategies are built upon. Quality issues can lead to sub-optimal segmentation and targeting results, which in turn can impact your revenue. Whether you collect your own data or use existing data (3rd party data, etc.), it is essential to always monitor the quality so you can quickly react to any issues. Sometimes there are just a few screws to adjust such as changing some questions, adding answer limitations or including logic tests. Logic failures are responsible for a significant amount of profiling errors. Using logic tests from the start saves you having to do data cleaning at the end.
Monitoring data quality and doing quality checks on a regular basis have proven to deliver superior data quality and segmentation results. Weekly data quality checks lead to accurate profiling data and powerful customer segmentation. Xpower customer targeting helps you to spend less time on data quality checks.

Stop limiting your decisions. Create and compare unlimited segmentation scenarios with Xpower.
There are a lot of characteristics which can be used to set up your segmentation and targeting. Potential and adoption, penetration or behavior are commonly used, but there are also other approaches for grouping customers into segments. Xpower lets you create different types of segments based on your specific needs.
Getting the most out of your customer segments equates to a meaningful financial return.
Xpower offers a proven step-by-step process to follow the essential segmentation steps while using best practice approaches. With a simple and user-friendly interface, different segmentation scenarios can be run quickly, while the tool automatically carries out the complex calculations in the background. Data can be normalized at the click of a button and different types of segments, like value-based, concentration-based or %-share, can be easily created.
Xpower makes customer segmentation quick and easy
Xpower customer targeting allows you to build your customer segmentation with almost no modeling expertise. Check different scenarios to ensure you have the right segmentation methodology. You can start building scenarios while running profiling surveys and sync the data later. There is no need to waste time waiting until the survey is finished.
Accelerate segmenting customers by:
- Automatically aggregating and normalizing profiling data
- Adding 3rd party data to your analysis
- Defining indicators and weightings to create different types of segments
- Handle mirror accounts
- Quickly creating different scenarios and meaningful indicators to compare
- Building portfolio segments if your team carries more than one product
- Automatically creating and updating charts for business presentations
- more features
Why is it so important to check different scenarios?
A good segmentation helps you to direct your resources to the most profitable customers. However, an increase in effort is also an increase in costs. To get the best segmentation for your company, it pays to analyze different scenarios. Creating scenarios can be difficult and time consuming. But not any longer! Xpower customer targeting is fast, responsive and allows you to create and compare different scenarios with just a few clicks.
How can customer segmentation benefit my brand?
As segments are based on common characteristics, segmentation allows you to market to each group effectively and appropriately. Segmentation helps to focus on the most profitable customers, create and communicate targeted messages for them and establish better customer relationships. This will result in better resource allocation decisions and impact productivity and profitability. Better focus means better results.
Why should you check your segmentation regularly?
Markets, just like your customers, are always changing. Any number of events can occur that require you to update your segmentation: market dynamics, tender losses or wins, patent expiries, new product launches, strategy changes, the product life cycle stage and so on and so forth. All of these affect your segmentation and every segmentation approach usually relies on existing and potentially outdated profiling data. That is why you should check segmentation on a regular basis to help you identify new opportunities.
Driving business forward needs an updated customer base. Xpower profiling, the mobile app from Xpower customer targeting helps you manage multiple surveys at the same time with very little project management.

Xpower allows you to create the right strategy for the right customer group.
Customer targeting is the foundation of any go-to-market strategy. Companies need to get it right the first time.
A good customer segmentation helps you to prioritize your customers. Customer targeting allocates resources to relevant segments and helps to communicate targeted messages. Within a multi-channel environment, customer touchpoints, promotional channels, coverage and frequencies are planned. The outcome of the targeting initiative is a well-planned customer engagement plan, which is your individual customer journey.
Powerful and easy to use omnichannel call planning and capacity management
Xpower customer targeting helps to simplify the omni channel call planning. It allows you to set up different types of resources and channels and assign coverage and frequency to customer segments or individuals. You can create your OCCP for a single product or brand or for multiple products / brands. Values can be assigned in general, per segment or via rules: for example different frequencies per specialty or affiliates. Xpower will automatically calculate the units and budget required to serve your customers. You can compare them to the available numbers and check for target ROI and FTE requirements. Xpower customer targeting helps to easily create OCCP, make data driven decisions and compare different scenarios. It enables you to correct current work imbalances or plan future teams for your upcoming product launch.
Xpower also includes a dynamic dashboard and reporting tools so you can establish workload, coverage and investment at a glance. Various engagement plans for various cycle periods can be created or tested with different scenarios. View how the changes affect workload and expenses when making changes with our dynamic data visualization.
Beyond resource management, it also includes a powerful validation workflow. Read more about Xpower’s controlled validation environment.
Targeting capabilities:
- Set up unlimited omni-channel cycle plans
- Define promotional channels and costs
- Allocate resources, plan coverage and frequency for single products or for multiple products
- Compare available vs. required resources and budget
- Create customer engagement plans
- Visualize customer journeys
- more features
Why is it important to plan and analyze the resources?
Better allocation of resources means higher productivity and profitability for your business. Resource allocation helps to take all efforts into account and optimize usage of sales and marketing investments. With an optimized resource allocation, expensive scattering losses can be avoided.
Profiling, segmentation and targeting interaction
Profiling, segmentation and targeting is the key to a successful commercial model as it helps the business teams to make better decisions by understanding their customers better, translating brand strategy into effective sales and marketing initiatives and allocating resources optimally to channel the management’s effort in the right direction. To optimally allocate sales force resources it is important to do the steps right before it comes to targeting. Even the best resource allocation can be inefficient when errors were made in the previous steps. Xpower helps to gather profiling data, increases the quality of profiling data and enables you to decide on the best segmentation method by checking multiple scenarios so you can optimally allocate sales force resources and get it right the first time.
Customer PST will not only have a significant impact on the total effort required, also on the distribution across territories. That is why you should definitely check your territory balance after each segmentation and targeting initiative.

Xpower customer targeting supports collaboration.
Profiling data, segmentation and resource allocation scenarios can be sent for validation to incorporate regional differences and market insights.
Xpower offers a controlled environment to easily run the validation process. No more need to exchange 1,000 emails or spreadsheets. You can decide from whom to request validation, you can set timelines and soft or hard limits for changes or exact minimal and maximal values as well. Xpower will automatically generate the lists in the background and only send what is relevant for validation. The different user types and layered access allows you to request the validation according to job roles. In addition, a dynamic dashboard allows you to monitor all the changes in real time and you can use those changes to update your analysis.
Collaboration made easy with Xpower
The best results are achieved when segmentation and targeting is a collaborative process. The sales force should conduct validation in a controlled manner to prevent large scale changes. Setting rules for changes is important as it prevents any adjustments that may lead to wrong decisions or changes in strategy. Xpower offers a controlled environment to enhance collaboration.
Xpower covers all the relevant features:
- Controlled validation environment
- Auto-request validation from different users
- Sending of questionable profiling data for validation
- Validation of segmentation or resource allocation scenarios
- Setting of rules for changes
- Monitoring of progress and changes
- more features
Why is validation important during the profiling, segmentation and targeting initiative?
There are a lot of reasons why validation is important. Here are two we want to mention in particular:
(1) Earlier detection of issues
Data validation is vital to ensure the data is clean, correct and useful. Validation enables you to reduce risk and ultimately costs. It provides you the chance to identify and fix issues earlier. Validation during each step of the targeting initiative (profiling, segmentation and targeting) is important as they are interrelated: profiling data collected results in the final segmentation and the segmentation will then have a significant impact on multiple aspects such as resource allocation, territory design, operational planning and more.
(2) Improve collaboration
Validation is requesting feedback. This implies “My opinion is acknowledged. My efforts are appreciated. What I say matters.” The opposite of validation could imply non-recognition. “They think I don’t know what I’m talking about.” Requesting no feedback from the team can lead to low acceptance of the outcome, and acceptance is decisive for the successful implementation of your targeting initiative and strategy. Increase acceptance within your sales team by involving them, making them part of the process and getting them on board early.

Design well-balanced equipotent territories with Xpower today.
Analyze the impact of customer segmentation and targeting on your territories.
To ensure the completeness of your profiling, segmentation and targeting process, Xpower customer targeting also includes a territory design tool. The platform allows you to design balanced territories for your sales force. You can analyze territories based on workload or build your own territory design index by combining different parameters like workload, market sales or products sales. Users can calculate and compare workload and more complex territory indices to ensure efficiency and balance. Xpower allows analytics to enhance decision making.
With Xpower, territories can be created easily by aligning customers manually, via rules or by simply clicking geographical areas on the visual interactive map. There is also the option to assign territories freehand from the map. The map-based solution displays potential areas in a thematic view helping you to improve your design, balance and efficiency.
Xpower Territory Design features:
- Account and geography-based territory alignment
- Easy to use “Click and Design” functionality
- Intuitive charts to analyze territory metrics
- Dynamic updating of charts to fix imbalances
- Ability to design and test multiple scenarios
- Road map or satellite view as the base map
- more features
Why territory design?
Although sales territory design is an important component of the sales strategy, it is often overlooked by sales management. Without the right tool, territory design can be a tedious process. It is not unusual to see serious imbalances across territories. Some end up having too much workload while others have too little. Both situations tend to lose opportunities, time and money: some of the customers will not get the required promotional effort and some potential customers could be visited elsewhere.

The Xcellen knowledge base - a self-serve online library
– imparts practical knowledge, provides hints, examples and key takeaways throughout the profiling, segmentation and targeting process and covers important change management tasks to avoid common pitfalls.
All Xpower cloud-solutions come with an integrated knowledge base. You can explore a variety of articles within an online library or use the Xcellen knowledge base as source of reference while doing your analysis with Xpower.
The Xcellen knowledge base is based on extensive global experience in the areas of SFE and commercial excellence. It provides short and simple explanations of complex methods and gives you the “How” and “Why” so you can make good use of all the knowledge you have gained.
Key topics covered in the Xcellen knowledge base
Robust profiling, segmentation and targeting process
Go through the best practice process and learn about common pitfalls and their consequences. Find out how to get the most out of a partially available customer universe. Get hints on how to best structure your PST process and receive practical guidance. Learn how to establish a good governance, define a proper segmentation strategy and prepare your PST process including a communication plan that helps everyone to act in concert.
Profiling (questionnaires, monitoring and quality)
Find design principles and examples for logic tests, questionnaires and quality checks. Learn how to track for high data quality. Get familiar with basic statistical analysis, data validation methods, correlations and plot charts.
Segmentation strategy and scenarios
Click through examples and best practices for segmentation design (dimensions, levels). Receive guidance on how to build a segmentation framework that is best for each stage of the product life cycle . Learn what data is available and which variables best fit your segmentation dimensions and how to combine them. Get input on where to set cut off points and read about the importance and handling of data normalization. Gain practical knowledge on scenario evaluation and selection.
Targeting and coverage strategy
Use approved targeting strategies and learn more about balancing sales force resources. Find checklists for a targeting plan and evidence-based definitions of segment coverage and frequency. Read about the importance of validation and how to ensure a smooth process.
Roles and communication of the PST process
Get an overview of all the relevant stakeholders, who should be on board of the PST process and how to deal with different responsibilities. Look at checklists for key activities and hands-on project plans. Find experienced communication guidelines and hints for Sales Force Effectiveness Managers to guide different roles through the process, especially sales representatives.

Data can be easily managed in Xpower ensuring secure data storage.
User Management
Xpower customer targeting comes with a layered access allowing you to manage your team according to the team hierarchy. The layered access allows access to several countries from one desk and improves collaboration during the profiling, segmentation and targeting process.
With Xpower there is nothing unseen. Everything is at hand: the data, the segmentation indexes, the cut off points, the validation and the outcome. Even if the responsible person left the company. From controlling to empowering, from privacy to transparency – Xpower customer targeting.
The security of your data is our top priority.
Xpower is secure and safe for customer and internal data and is compliant with the Cloud Security Alliance and GDPR. Xcellen is ISO 27001 certified and implements a best-practice Information Security Management System.
Data import and export
Data can be uploaded and downloaded at any time in Xpower customer targeting. There is no need to run the full process as you can download data at any step. It only takes a few clicks to upload your data and start the analysis. To make it even more simple, Xpower comes with templates for you to upload your data. In addition to downloading the results of your analysis as raw data, you can also download easy to read plots and graphs for your next business presentation.
Want to push data and actions automatically from Xpower to other applications and vice versa?
Connect your Xpower customer targeting platform to your CRM system. There are different possibilities we can explore: providing an API or providing full integration service. Contact us for more information

Xpower sales target setting allows you to set targets for Sales Team using 15+ approaches which take into consideration the true potential of the geography. Set targets for multiple teams and products, combine different scenarios together and report downstream on the go.